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Welcome to Sabine Houben & Partner mbB tax consultants

We offer effective advice and professional tax assessment for private individuals and institutional investors alike. We aim to deliver the solution that is right for you, whether for your personal tax affairs or complex investment decisions.

Private individuals

We are your reliable partner for questions regarding wealth building, property usage, asset transfers and all of the obligations and challenges related to tax. When doing so, we always prioritise your individual preferences, life planning and present circumstances.

Institutional investors

Unsere Leistungen für institutionelle Investoren umfassen die Unterstützung beim Erwerb und bei der Verwaltung von Immobilien, die Beratung zu Steuerklauseln bei Share- und Asset-Deals, steuerliche Due Diligence sowie laufende steuerliche Begleitung und Optimierung. Wir unterstützen Sie in jeder Phase Ihrer Investition und koordinieren den gesamten Prozess in Abstimmung mit Ihren Rechtsanwälten, Property Managern und Asset Managern.

Dedicated and professional tax advice

We know that good tax advice is about much more than making sure everything in your annual tax return is correct. Good tax advice should give you the peace of mind you need for the big decisions. It makes a real difference over the long term for private individuals, businesspeople and investors alike. We take time for your requests, and make sure that you can move forward with confidence and clarity.

Let’s talk

We look forward to meeting you and helping you with your tax questions. Arrange an initial consultation, whether in person, on the phone or virtually. Get in touch and together, we will find out how we can best support you.

From personal financial planning to institutional investments, we are here to help.